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Life Values:



Let your actions & not your words be the driver of your leadership capabilities. People on occasion follow words however they follow the words of the person whose actions reflect the statements expressed.


What you ACTUALLY do is THE BOTTOM LINE! My personal philosophy in life is simply.... No one cares how hard you tried, no one cares about how badly you got screwed, no one cares about the set backs or the struggle or the "grind", ALL THAT MATTERS IS THE STATUS QUO OF RIGHT NOW. AND ALL THAT MATTERS IS THE



4. Every single day you either A) Win or B) Lose

When you get down to it that's the truth of the matter. You either A) do the job and execute the actions you need to execute or B) you do not! There is no middle ground. And in the words of Mark Bell "You're either getting better or you're getting worse." Invest your time accordingly. It's either a Plus 1 or a Minus 1.

5. No one is going to do the work for you! You HAVE TO RELY ON YOURSELF.

6. No one is going to give you anything! You have to problem solve, work, create, and execute in order to find a way to make things happen on your own!

7. Do not stall or wait to make progress due to the word of someone else! You catch it all the time... "I'm waiting to do this because such and such is getting back to me." Time is our most valuable asset so DO NOT (I repeat) DO NOT stall or hinder your progression to doing extraordinary things based on the word of someone else to "help you." It is up to you. Keep moving, do what you can do, learn about what this someone is trying to help you with. And when in doubt.... pick up the phone!

8. Don't stall to pass the time. Like I said above time is our most valuable commodity. Stop wishing the time away! And stop stalling time away to wait for the perfect opportunity or just "make it through." Get out of the "Stall" mentality and start attacking these difficult situations & opportunities.

9. No one cares about the excuses. They only care about the end result.

10. There are only:

"Have or have not's"

"Do or do not's"

"Did or did not's"

11. People can be supportive OF YOU but you HAVE TO SUPPORT YOURSELF!

More support or less support from peers does not really matter. Support only goes so far and often times it is distracting & detracting from what you are looking to accomplish. Support yourself no matter what! Don't allow a lack of support from others to hinder or halt your progress! Support yourself!

12. Strive to improve yourself and become better EVERY SINGLE DAY! Always growing, always learning, constantly evolving, project never finished. Be the best you that you can be every day... however understand that every day you must be better than the prior day!

13. Success in ANY ENDEAVOR in life is contingent upon one thing....

Do what you are supposed to do.... ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DO NOT FEEL LIKE IT!

14. If you can control what you eat you can control every aspect within your control in your life!

15. Adopt the TONY MONTANA (Scarface) life philosophy... If you don't get the reference then just think... the whole worlds in the palm of your hand if you're willing to go and take it.

16. The greatest brains, ideas, products, and philosophies IN THE WORLD (AND THROUGHOUT HISTORY) mean exactly JACK SHIT when they are not shared, communicated, executed upon, or no one knows about them!

17. If you aren't helping make someones life better with your communication, dialogue, sharing of experience, or leadership THEN YOU ARE NOT NEARLY AS VALUABLE AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!

18. If you have experience that is worth while that you have accumulated throughout your life time THEN IT IS YOUR DUTY TO PASS IT ON!



20. Quit focusing on your imaginary problems in life. WHEN A TRAGEDY STRIKES LIKE YOU LOSE A SIGNIFICANT OTHER, CHILD, OR SOMETHING THAT CANNOT BE CHANGED that is a problem. You don't have problems. You just have more work to do!

-- Seth Feroce

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