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"Potential" What This Word REALLY Means

Potential”— this has to be one of my biggest mindset shift life philosophies I have come to understand over the course of the last four years. People get so pumped up when someone tells them "You're doing great and you have a lot of POTENTIAL." This statement often creates a sense of comfort & complacency in the individual. I mean... they are already doing everything right..... RIGHT????

Do you know what the word potential REALLY means? Potential to ME means that you’re capable of a lot more than what you’re putting out. Potential means that there are positive attributes present however you need to be better to BE WHERE YOU SHOULD BE. You aren't there yet but there’s a chance that maybe the characteristics will actualize. Think of a context in which anybody has said "wow that person ‘s got awesome potential" or "man I don’t know what happened to him he had so much potential." When you think about it potential‘s almost always used as a negative statement emphasizing how somebody could’ve been so much more than what they accomplished. Nearly always this is the case!

So think about that! If someone in the workplace like your boss keeps telling you "yeah you’re doing great you’ve got so much potential." How do you take that statement? Do you take that statement as "Wow all I have to do is keep doing what I’m doing and then I’m going to get that big promotion and I’m going move ahead. I am really kicking ass!"? Just think about it for a moment.... If this is the train of thought that you have in these situations then you are already losing the battle! Literally what that person is telling you is "You’re doing a great job at your current duties and the potential is there BUT you have so much more to learn in order to take the next step. You just aren't there yet." People constantly seem to take their foot off the gas pedal because someone tells them they’ve got "great potential" and its like all of a sudden theres a positive reward reflex that says "Awesome! I’ve got a lot of potential, I’m doing well now and I don’t need to keep pushing! I don’t need continue learning and there's no need to continue the pursuit of progressing to be better. It’s almost like suddenly a mindset of entitlement takes over and they think "They've told me I’ve got great potential and that’s why I am better than Joe Blow in the office. I’ve got great potential so I’m gonna be way more successful than Karen that just got hired here that knows nothing in the field. I’ve got a lot of potential in the lifting world because I deadlifted 700 pounds when I was 18 years old. Guess what! if your goal is to have "great potential" then I guess you accomplished your goal but what potential really means is that you haven’t done shit and you need to get to fucking work doing what you’re supposed to be doing in order to do anything worthwhile. Forget potential find your follow through button. Find your discipline for self development and GO AFTER PROGRESSION. That’s going to be what it ACTUALLY takes to get where you want to go!

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