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Embrace The Suck

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

Embrace The Suc

For those of you looking to start your diet journey or maybe you’ve begun and you’re starting to question your choice I want to give you the most valuable piece of advice you can have….. EMBRACE THE SUCK!

These things are going to happen and will be a bit of an annoyance as you embark on your journey but they are very important so plan accordingly.

1. YOU WILL BE HUNGRY! This one comes as kind of a big “duh” but it’s definitely the top issue you will deal with. You are going to eat your meals and still be hungry! Come to terms with this if you weigh 300 lbs your body wants to continue to weigh 300 lbs and will let you know it wants more food! Don’t listen to these things. You’ve got to risk it for the biscuit so they say but in this case skip the fucking biscuit and grab that salad and lean meat chubby bunny! Hunger will be there tormenting you on the way to your destination.

Remedy: in my experience learn to crave being hungry, learn to enjoy the feeling. I have always thought of it that when I’m hungry that’s what it feels like for my body to consume its body fat. So hunger is a good thing. That being said don’t crash diet yourself. You need to eat to lose weight the right way. Anyone that tells you different is trying to sell you bullshit.

2. People will not understand what you are doing this for. This is a big issue mainly because people want you to be like them! They want to drink beer, eat pizza, follow it up with ice cream, and repeat the process. Not to be a jerk but often times people want other people to do things that aren’t in their best interest with them so they don’t have to do it alone. It makes it feel justified and rebellious. DONT BE AFRAID OR ASHAMED TO BE DIFFERENT. You weren’t born to be like everyone else! Be a Mercedes In a world of Chevy cavaliers. Don’t let anyone enable you to sabotage your progress!

3. You are going to try to tell yourself you’ve “earned” the right to have a cheat meal, cheat day, cookie, pizza, 12 pack of beer, ice cream, whatever. Don’t listen to those thoughts! Stick to your plan and your goal! There’s plenty of time to enjoy some (not go completely off the deep end with however) of the great comforts in life AFTER you reach your goal! Don’t go off the deep end with your diet. See the thing through to the end!

This may sound simple or even stupid but these three things are huge issues that train wreck diets for a lot of people. Get used to being uncomfortable! EMBRACE THE SUCK and get comfortable with it! Make it your comfort zone and your happy place. Crave it even. Because when things hurt… that’s when it really matters!

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