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Control What You Can Control March 28, 2020

Throughout this week speaking with customers, work colleagues, talking with friends, and reading social media posts the words anxiety and boredom have come up a lot with these lockdowns. I wanted to put out a 2 post about these things in order to try to help anyone that may be struggling mentally with the current situation we are experiencing.

1. Understand that this is a situation that we ourselves have no control of. We only have control over what we do (staying put, figuring out how to spend your time, and your attitude.).

2. During times of extreme stress and anxiety people often feel like their brain is a hamster on a wheel just constantly running and running and running. My recommendation is to use this time to learn how to control that within your self! How can you do that???

a) understand and determine the things you can control and the things you cannot! b) push the things you cannot control deep into the back of your mind and let them be

b) now take the things you can control. Yourself, your finances, your diet, your health, and your time and start prioritizing the things you’ve been telling yourself you wanted to do for a long time! Take this opportunity of social distancing and isolation and FIND THE GOOD IN IT. What do I mean? I mean that for a lot of people this forcing of being isolated with your family or even yourself is a golden opportunity! You get the opportunity to spend all of your time with your spouse/children. Prioritize that and cultivate better relationships with them because of it! You get the opportunity to spend your time alone? GOOD! Limit your time wasted on social media (which is one main reason people are experiencing such anxiety and fear to begin with) and take this time as a gift of being able to prioritize YOURSELF! Take that thing or couple of things you’ve been telling yourself your going to do and been putting off and use this time to pursue those things. Want to eat better and workout? Good, you have 100% control over what you eat, have ample time now to do some at home workouts, and have ample time to create a plan for the future! Been putting off creating a financial plan? Well here is the perfect opportunity to sit down and go through your financial situation and financial goals.

c). Change your statement from “I have to stay home and can’t do anything because the government shut down travel.”


“I get to stay home for and spend my time with myself and/or my family to reflect, learn, and create a lasting plan and cultivate my relationships with those closest to me.”

Quite frankly we can all use this as an opportunity to make ourselves better mentally. Take this time and use it as a gift to self reflect, learn more about yourself, and make your life better for a promising future!

Like I said. That’s my 2 cents. Take it for what it’s worth.

Stay safe everyone! Stay positive! And stay motivated and committed to what it is you want to accomplish in this world! Now is the time to take control of your own actions and move forward!


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