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Being Grounded And Staying On True Center

This one's a little off the wall today.

Topic: Being Grounded & Finding True Center

Those of you that REALLY know me know that music is everything to me. I love all varieties as long as I can draw an inner message from it that is applicable to me mentally or emotionally.

I woke up a little slow & in a bit of a haze this morning. I headed out the door to grab coffee and do cardio and got out the door before I realized I forgot my headphones. When I got hooked up this is the first song that came on AND MY MOOD AND ANXIETIES WERE COMPLETELY LIFTED! This song is corny as all hell but it was a huge reminder to me that all the things I am working on right now theres one grounding feature in my life that needed to be put back into PERSPECTIVE.

Old country is my typical go to when it comes to finding my grounding perspectives and essentially knowing WHAT EXACTLY I STAND FOR AND WANT OUT OF LIFE.

This song is corny yes..... truly a snap back to a previous era in life as well. But what this song reminds me of is:

1. If you remember what GROUND's you and come back to your TRUE CENTER (the reason why you do what you do, what you stand for, and whats most important to you) all of the noise around us in our day to day life fades and just kind of disappears.... allowing us to go about our actions in a level, concise, and effective manner.

2. "So I made her the Queen of my double wide trailer w/ the polyester curtains & the redwood deck." "Honey why don't we just go on home and have some onion rings & watch TV."

why is this statement grounding to me?

This statement (and the corny "old country" lyrics in the rest of the song) remind me of what is truly important in my life.....

I don't do the things I do, share my thoughts, philosophies, or the things I stand for to gain fame, financial gain, personal satisfaction (ego stoking), or any petty reason. I do it because the underlying message w/ a lot of us is that we need to find what drives us and keeps us taking action.

These statements above simply remind me that.... no matter what happens to me in this life (career promotion, financial status ladder climbing, "making it big" in any realm, or prosperity & lack of in all forms) ALL I NEED IN LIFE IS THE THINGS I VALUE MOST. THE LOVE OF MY WIFE, THE RELATIONSHIP WITH MY CHILDREN, AND BEING THE MAN I CHOOSE TO BE AND FOLLOWING THE PATH OF DOING THE "RIGHT THING"

I could end up being the worlds biggest mullet toting, tobacco spitting, onion ring loving, hick, podunk, and simple piece of white trash in the world (other peoples opinion of me) as long as I have the queen of my double wide trailer then that is the absolute number 1 measure of my success to me. This is the thing I value the most! IF everything else in my life fell apart and all I was reduced to is being a poverty stricken, simple minded, monotonous job executor, high quality moral man then there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! THIS WOULD BE A HUGE SUCCESS EVEN! You be the RIGHT man or woman that comes back to your highest priority values and regardless of where you shake out on the social, financial, career status, life status hierarchy who gives A FLYING F???? Don't be afraid to stand for what your core values are... be respectful, open minded, and truly understand what your core beliefs & philosophies are and WORK HARD to continue to progress on this front EVERY DAY! As long as you do that & you understand that no amount of money, status, power, or fame can replace SHITTY MORAL VALUES OR TERRIBLE ETHICS!

Frankly, people keep talking about how horrible 2020 was and how the world in America is falling apart right now. Now I'm not here to tell anyone they're wrong on that front BUT I will say that 2020 has been the highest quality year OF MY LIFE in providing me perspective as to whats truly important in this world. And one of the biggest challenges/learning opportunities the current situation has taught me is TO NOT WASTE TIME WORRYING, GETTING ANGRY, SEEKING INFORMATION, OR LOSING MY MIND over things that are 100% outside of my control! I can control what I stand for, the messages I project to those in my immediate circle, and whether I CHOOSE to stand behind and make the decisions daily to do the right thing and be the man that I want to be! I'm not a religious man.... but I AM EXTREMELY MORAL and am CONSTANTLY striving to do the right thing! Do I always succeed and always hit the nail on the head w/ doing the exact right thing??? No, I'm human and sometimes I'm a little off.... but I am open minded enough to admit my mistakes and learn from them when they do occur.

Honestly there have been developments in my life over the last year that have impacted me more than the people directly involved have ever realized. Joey Brown's health developments over the last few months, the passing of one loved one (that I never ever did take the opportunity to thank him for THE IMPACT HE HAD ON MY EVERYDAY LIFE, MORALS, AND DEVELOPMENT OF CORE VALUES that shaped my life extensively), a near fatal accident that almost cost the world the most influential male mentor I have in my life, and then an extensive tough lesson of figuring out who truly values ME and WHO I AM.

Life has been a big shake up for everyone over the last year.... but if we can really get to know ourselves on a deep level of self thought we begin to understand EXACTLY WHAT WE VALUE & STAND FOR..... If we do this it becomes much much easier to eliminate the BS outside influences that are constantly attempting to pull us in a direction directly away from what our TRUE CENTER IS.

Find your True Center. Find the grounding component in your life. Everything else kind of becomes radio static after that!

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