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2020 vs. 2021 12 Weeks out Bodybuilding Prep

12 Weeks Out 2020 vs. 2021 Prep Process

Prep 12 Weeks Out Summary:

2020: Energy train wrecked on me during this week. I was able to keep it together pretty well during training sessions but my am HIIT Cardio sessions were an absolute bear to deal with. This was a deload training week for me where I went from training 6 days/week down to 4 days with three off days so weight was extremely low (off days were VERY low calorie). Weight dropped from 191.4 down to 186.4. This was a memorable check in because I had not weighed below 189 lbs since I was an 8th grader. Since the weight loss and body fat drop was so high this week Justin had me take a FULL FREE DAY off of the diet on my 1 high day this week in order to jump my metabolism and restore glycogen stores (carbohydrates stored in muscle cells and liver). No other diet changes this week!

2021: Crazy work week this week where I traveled 2,200 miles in a vehicle to cover my jobs territory. Went out to dinner with a work colleague one day where I ordered a sirloin steak, plain baked potato, had a salad with some full fat dressing (not much), and a bit of steakhouse bread. Other than that meal everything was 100% dialed in. Nearly every meal this week consisted of chicken, rice, and added fats stuck in food jar to stay hot and eat when needed. Fat loss stepped up quite a bit this week so we got aggressive and upped the pace with the diet again this week. Diet changes are detailed below.

Prep Phase:

2020 Prep: 15 weeks into full prep mode, full fat burners

2021 Prep: Week 5 of prep. More diet changes this week. Low days dropped to 25 carbs/meal in the first three meals and 50g Protein, 7g added fat with green veggies, moderate days-50g carbs pre & post workout, 25g carbs in meal 1 and 2, Protein, veggies, and 7 grams added fat in meal 3. Started fat burners and cardio was bumped to 25 min HIIT (fasted) 5x/week.

Weight: 2020 Prep: 186.4 2021 Prep: 202.0

12 Weeks Out Average Daily Calories

Average Daily Direct Calories (Calories from Direct Macros):

2020 Prep: 1,560 (Calories not accounting for 1 free meal)

2021 Prep: 2,172 (Calories not accounting for 1 free meals)

Direct Carbs:

2020 Prep: 0 2x/week, 100 4x/week, 700 1x/week

2021 Prep: 95 2x/week, 185 4x/week, 800 1x/week

Added Fats:

2020: 0 added fats. All fats coming from lean protein sources

2021: 35 2x/week, 21 4x/week, 0 1x/week


2020 Prep: 25 Minutes HIIT 5x/week

2021 Prep: 25 Minutes HIIT 5x/week

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