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2020 vs. 2021 11 Weeks Out Bodybuilding Prep

2020 vs. 2021 Prep Process

11 weeks out:

2020: With the back off day during the week my weight was higher than the previous week (although you can see I was leaner than the previous week). This is a perfect example for people to take and see that THE SCALE ALONE DOES NOT TELL THE WHOLE STORY! Scale obsession can be extremely damaging to the psychology of an individual late in a diet since the story is told by the mirror more than the scale to a pretty large extent. Weight jumped from 186.4 to 188.8. Now that I was more filled out from the free day there were no diet changes this week and I went back to our regular plan.

2021: We started to step up the diet this week. Added fats were pulled from all carb meals on medium and low days. Additionally cardio was bumped up to 30 mins HIIT 5x/week.

Diet changes are detailed below.

Prep Phase:

2020 Prep: 16 weeks into full prep mode, full fat burners

2021 Prep: Week 6 of prep. More diet changes this week. Low days dropped to 25 carbs/meal in the first two meals. Those meals consiste of 50g Protein, 7g added fat with green veggies, moderate days-35g carbs pre-workout, 50 carbs post-workout. Meal 1 consisted of 50g protein, 35 carbs, 0 added fat. Meals 2 and 3 moved to 50 grams protein with 7 grams added fat and 2 cups green veggies. Cardio moved to 30 Min HIIT 5x/week.

Weight: 2020 Prep: 188.8

2021 Prep: 201.2

11 Weeks Out Average Daily Calories

Average Daily Direct Calories (Calories from Direct Macros):

2020 Prep: 1,560 (Calories not accounting for 1 free meal)

2021 Prep: 1,980 (Calories not accounting for 1 free meals)

Direct Carbs:

2020 Prep: 0 2x/week, 100 4x/week, 700 1x/week

2021 Prep: 80 2x/week, 140 4x/week, 800 1x/week

Added Fats:

2020: 0 added fats. All fats coming from lean protein sources

2021: 21 grams 2x/week, 14 grams 4x/week, 0 1x/week


2020: 25 min HIIT 5x/week

2021: 30 min HIIT 5x/week

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