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2020 vs. 2021 10 Weeks Out Bodybuilding Prep

2020 Pics

Pics 2021

2020 vs. 2021 Prep Process

10 weeks out:

2020: This was another solid week of prep. Weight dropped from 188.8 to 186.4. Now that I was more filled out from the free day there were no diet changes this week and I went back to our regular plan. NO DEVIATIONS EVEN THOUGH I WAS DIAGNOSED WITH STREP AND HAD TO START UP ANTI-BIOTICS. The reason I capitalized, underlined, and bolded the previous statement is simply because in the time I have been working with people regarding nutrition it's entirely too common for them to get sick, tweak something, have a crazy work schedule, have a kid get sick, OR WHATEVER and they allow it mentally to be a "free pass" to screw off for the week. If you want to do this long term and be successful at it do you know what it takes??? IT TAKES TAKING THE CIRCUMSTANCES ABOVE AND SWITCHING THEM AWAY FROM BEING A LOSS & TRANSITIONING THEM INTO A WIN! I call this the "two week swing" simply because if you screw off that week and go backwards not only did you lose a week of progress but you lost the next week of progress as well because it's going to take another week to get things back on track. Good return on investment is to get the work done AT THE EXACT MOMENT that you are capable of. Stay away from the two week swing in your journey!

2021: This was the most dialed in week I'd ever had in nearly TWO YEARS of working with Justin Harris. The prep mindset started to come in where everything just kind of clicked! Cardio intensity was extremely high in my HIIT sessions and the desire to take charge of my own fate on the stage took over. Weight dropped from 201.2 to 197.2.

I reached the point during this week that my sleep quality started to take a hit due to everything going on with prep. I started a sleep stack consisting of 5-HTP, L-Theanine, B6, Magnesium, and Zinc. This has been a life saver!

No Diet Changes This Week!

Prep Phase:

2020 Prep: 17 weeks into full prep mode, full fat burners

2021 Prep: Week 7 of prep. No diet changes this week.


2020 Prep: 186.4

2021 Prep: 197.2

10 Weeks Out Average Daily Calories

Average Daily Direct Calories (Calories from Direct Macros):

2020 Prep: 1,560 (Calories not accounting for 1 free meal)

2021 Prep: 1,980 (Calories not accounting for 1 free meals)

Direct Carbs:

2020 Prep: 0 2x/week, 100 4x/week, 700 1x/week

2021 Prep: 80 2x/week, 140 4x/week, 800 1x/week

Added Fats:

2020 Prep: 0 added fats. All fats coming from lean protein sources

2021 Prep: 21 grams 2x/week, 14 grams 4x/week, 0 1x/week


2020 Prep: 25 Minutes HIIT 5x/week

2021 Prep: 30 Minutes HIIT 5x/week

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