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18 Weeks Out 2021 VS. 18 Weeks Out 2020

Updated: May 13, 2021

Alright here we go with this new series! The purpose of this is to show EXACTLY what a real world application of being on point for 1 full year can do to a metabolism, body composition, and quality muscle mass. Last year at 18 weeks out i had been prepping for 9 weeks already to get to the below composition. This year we officially are starting prep NEXT week so I'm still in full off-season mode (until Saturday's Check In). I will not go into extreme detail on the diet specifics simply because Justin Harris ( handles my diet. So even though I coach individuals I myself have a coach to handle my personal nutrition. I could go over this for hours but the main reasoning is that when it comes to personal diets its best to have an unbiased eye keep an eye on the process because they are going to be willing to make the decisions that YOU YOURSELF DO NOT WANT TO MAKE when it comes to your personal diet. I find this advantageous because it removes the ability for emotion to have any say in diet changes. The purpose of the diet is to get the damn job DONE and there is very little room for emotions to come into play when you have a specific goal in mind! So here we go.

Prep Phase:

2020 Prep: 9 weeks into full prep mode

2021 Prep: Last week of full off season mode. "Prepping for Prep" mode.


2020 Prep: 195.8

2021 Prep: 210.2

Average Daily Direct Calories (Calories from Direct Macros):

2020 Prep: 1,743

2021 Prep: 2,940

Direct Carbs:

2020 Prep: 0 2x/week, 125 4x/week, 700 1x/week

2021 Prep: 250 2/week, 345 3x/week, 800 2x/week


2020 Prep: HIIT 5x/week

2021 Prep: HIIT 5x/week Same Duration as 2020

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