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17 Weeks Out 2020 VS. 17 Weeks Out 2021

Updated: May 13, 2021

This was my last full week of off season mode. I took a couple of days off of the gym and on my big days (Back & Legs) I left out the big & heavy movements (squats & deadlifts) and focused on crushing my legs with some less stressful heavy movements (leg press, superset of tears, bulgarian split squat drop set of death, hamstring curl drop sets) & for back I focused on crushing my lats & upper back with my row movements. I really enjoyed my free meals this week & focused on getting my life ready to focus on this prep (completed house projects, focused heavily on family time, and took some time to enjoy life before I become a bit of a shut in to focus on prep and every day business.

Prep Phase:

2020 Prep: 10 weeks into full prep mode

2021 Prep: Last week of full off season mode. "Prepping for Prep" mode prior to check in. Prep started on Saturday on the morning of this check in. The purpose of this week was to enjoy my cheat meals, spend time with family, and officially get commitments handled so I could focus on Prep beginning on Saturday March 13th, 2021. I was advised to potentially take a couple days off from the gym and really "get my mind set" for the process to come. This was my last full week of "cruise" mode.


2020 Prep: 192.4

2021 Prep: 213.2

Average Daily Direct Calories (Calories from Direct Macros):

2020 Prep: 1,743 (Calories not accounting for 1 free meal)

2021 Prep: 2,940 (Calories not accounting for 2 free meals. One was semi-clean but included a lot of ice cream & chocolates. One was a REALLY REALLY DIRTY CHEAT MEAL from El Rancho In Marshall, MN. If you're ever around that way make sure you stop in & ask for Martin. He will get you set up with awesome food and his sisters will trash talk you to the end of the earth to make it a great experience..... and their chicken strips & fries are BOMB.... especially when you have them as an appetizer prior to their Texas Fajitas... Oops... I just gave up EXACTLY how dirty my cheat meal was lol.)

Direct Carbs:

2020 Prep: 0 2x/week, 125 4x/week, 700 1x/week

2021 Prep: 250 2/week, 345 3x/week, 800 2x/week


2020 Prep: 20 Minutes HIIT 5x/week

2021 Prep: 20 Minutes HIIT 5x/week Same Duration as all offseason.

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