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13 Weeks out 2020 vs. 2021 Bodybuilding Prep

Updated: May 13, 2021

13 Weeks Out 2020 Vs. 2021 Bodybuilding Prep w/ Meal Plan

13 Weeks Out 2020 vs. 2021 Prep Process Prep 13 Weeks Out Summary: 2020: Weight dropped from 192.4 to 191.4. Not a whole lot of weight lost however there were significant changes in fat stores so we kept the diet the same after this check in.

2021: Just plug and play in prep mode at this point. Everything is busy with work and I've been working to get a facility lined up for a private gym in my hometown for the small community to have access to facility thats like a "build your own dream gym" so dieting has come extremely easy since I didn't have much time to think about anything food wise other than my go to meals. Nearly every meal this week consisted of chicken, rice, and added fats stuck in food jar to stay hot and eat when needed. CONSISTENCY CREATES PROGRESS. But the trick is to CHEAT THE GAME and make being consistent so easy THAT IT REQUIRES NO THOUGHT. Fat loss slowed a bit this week so we stepped up the pace with the diet. Dropped down to 1 high carb day/week and cut carbs on my off days from training.

Prep Phase: 2020 Prep: 14 weeks into full prep mode, full fat burners 2021 Prep: Week 4 of prep. After this check in the first major calorie cut came in. Lost 1 high day/week, dropped to 25 carbs/meal on low days, moderate days-50g carbs pre & post workout, 25g carbs in my meals not around the workout window. No fat burners & still at off season cardio of 20 Mins HIIT 5x/week.

Weight: 2020 Prep: 191.4 2021 Prep: 205.4

13 weeks out Average Daily calories

Average Daily Direct Calories (Calories from Direct Macros): 2020 Prep: 1,560 (Calories not accounting for 1 free meal) 2021 Prep: 2,711 (Calories not accounting for 2 free meals) Direct Carbs: 2020 Prep: 0 2x/week, 100 4x/week, 700 1x/week 2021 Prep: 175 3/week, 325 2x/week, 800 2x/week Added Fats: 2020: 0 added fats. All fats coming from lean protein sources 2021: 35 3x/week, 21 2x/week, 0 2x/week Cardio: 2020 Prep: 25 Minutes HIIT 5x/week 2021 Prep: 20 Minutes HIIT 5x/week Same Duration as all offseason. Typical Diet Day: 2020: Training Day (Non- High Day) Meal 1: 25 grams protein powder & 230 grams liquid egg whites blended w/ 1 packet apple cinnamon oatmeal to make protein pancakes Meal 2: 146 grams cooked chicken breast w/ 2 cups salad & franks red hot wing sauce as dressing Meal 3: 4 oz (raw weight) Eye of Round Steak & 184 grams egg whites Pre-Workout: 146 grams cooked chicken breast, 90 grams rice (mixed w/ broth, salt, pepper) Post-Workout: 146 grams cooked chicken breast, 180 grams rice (mixed w/ broth, salt, pepper) 2020: Off Day All Meals (5): lean protein and 2 cups green vegetable. 2021: Training Day (Non-High Days) Meal 1: 163 grams cooked chicken breast, 135 grams cooked rice. (jasmine), 14 grams almonds. Meal is mixed together and chicken broth is added with salt, pepper, and italian seasoning. This tastes awesome! The key to to reheat it with enough broth to make the rice sticky and tasty again. Meal 2: 5.5 oz Eye of Round Steak, 65 grams cooked shrimp, 10 oz russet potato. Meal 3: 2 large whole eggs, 10 egg whites, 1 packet lower sugar Apple & Cinnamon oatmeal w/ 34 grams plain oats added in. Pre-Workout Meal: 163 grams cooked chicken & 270 grams cooked white rice (once again mixed w/ broth, salt, pepper, and italian seasoning.) Post-Workout Meal: 163 grams cooked chicken & 270 grams cooked white rice (once again mixed w/ broth, salt, pepper, and italian seasoning. 2021: Off Day (Non-Training Days) Meal 1: 2 Whole large eggs, 10 egg whites, 52 grams (raw weight), 1 packet lower sugar oatmeal (maple & brown sugar) Meal 2: 163 grams cooked chicken breast, 125 grams cooked white rice, 14 grams almonds (once again mixed w/ broth, salt, pepper, and italian seasoning.) Meal 3: 163 grams cooked chicken breast, 125 grams cooked white rice, 14 grams almonds (once again mixed w/ broth, salt, pepper, and italian seasoning.) Meal 4: 8 oz (Raw Weight) 96/4 ground beef, 7.5 oz potato. Meal 5 (bedtime): 2 Whole large eggs, 10 egg whites, 52 grams (raw weight), 1 packet lower sugar oatmeal (maple & brown sugar)

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